The Power of Showing Up

July 8, 2021


Even though you are locked up, doesn’t mean your heart has to be.

Dave and Shayne, JJM Leaders, met Jaylen in the Detention Center before the Covid-19 Pandemic. Jaylen was reserved and very mad at the world. Dave and Shayne spent many weeks talking to Jaylen and praying with him. They spent their Wednesday evenings in the facility leading Jaylen and his peers through Bible Studies. Jaylen was passionate about learning how to live his life for God. Then came a sentence for Jaylen to serve time at County Jail. 

When Jaylen left, Dave and Shayne lost contact with Jaylen, even after they attempted to reach out to his family. 15 months into the Pandemic, they got a County Jail visitation request sent to their email. It was from Jaylen! He wanted to have a video visit with Dave and Shayne! The 3 of them have spent their Wednesday mornings together for the last 3 months!

That Wednesday, Dave explained to Jaylen,

“Even though you are locked up, that does not mean that your heart needs to be.” Shayne ended their visit by singing, “The Lord is my Shepherd” to Jaylen. On their way to their vehicle, Dave told Shayne, “Jaylen was crying when you were singing. He was wiping away his tears.”

Jaylen, an 18-year-old, potentially facing hard time in prison, was brought to tears… God has softened Jaylen’s heart through Dave and Shayne. We thank God for the way our JJM Leaders pour into the lives of students. 

Youth For Christ has chapters impacting thousands of communities across the nation that seek out and serve young people from all walks of life, just like Jaylen. Many are silently struggling through a variety of challenging issues. YFC encourages staff and volunteers to build authentic Christ-sharing relationships through the ups and downs of everyday life.


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