The Pursuit of Trust

July 14, 2021


“I once was like you.”

Collin was easy to spot at school.  His long hair and scruffy beard gave him the appearance of someone much older than a freshman.  I introduced myself to him, but he never engaged in conversation.  He is a loner and appeared to prefer it that way.  I reached out to him every school day for OVER A YEAR as he continued to ignore me.  Collin is now a junior and one recent day as I did my usual one-sided chat with Collin, I said to him,

“I was once like you.” In response, he said, “What changed your mind?” 

This opened the door for me to give testimony to my faith in Jesus Christ.  His questions show a level of unparalleled deep thinking that I have rarely come across in a student. Collin now comes to Club and has questioning conversations with several of our leaders.  During games, he tries very hard not to smile, which makes it even more gratifying to see his lips curl upward beneath his beard. However, this progress is over a year in the making!  It shows, once again, that we need patience and perseverance as we chase after these lost students.  It really is true that I was once like Collin.  I didn’t come to salvation in Christ until I was 33 years old.  God chased after me for many many years.  Luke 15:8-10 highlights the parable of the lost coin and when it is found, “…there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents”.  So, we will continue to chase after the lost.